How to customize email subjects
Note: Guide for modifying email message templates is here.
» The short version:
Email subject templates inside language/en/text.php file
Special tags that can be used in templates are listed in a table below.
» A Step-by-step guide:
To modify email subjects follow these steps:
Open the HESK language/en/text.php file in a text editor.
Do NOT use Notepad or Wordpad in Windows as they do not save UTF-8 files correctly (without BOM)!
Use a more powerful text editor, such as your website editor or the free Notepad++.
In latest HESK versions do not edit the text.php file directly, use the custom_text.php file instead!
Email templates start below line 23:
To modify a template modify the right side of the line:
$hesklang['DO NOT EDIT HERE'] = 'CHANGE THIS';Available email subject templates are:
Variable Used when $hesklang['new_ticket_staff'] Sent to staff when a new unassigned ticket is submitted $hesklang['ticket_received'] Sent to customer when a new ticket is submitted $hesklang['ticket_assigned_to_you'] Sent to staff when a new ticket is assigned $hesklang['new_reply_by_customer'] Sent to staff when customer replies to a ticket $hesklang['new_reply_by_staff'] Sent to customer when staff replies to a ticket $hesklang['category_moved'] Sent to staff when a ticket category is changed $hesklang['new_note'] Sent to staff when someone adds a note to a ticket assigned to him/her $hesklang['new_pm'] Sent to staff when a new private message arrives $hesklang['forgot_ticket_id'] A list of (open) tickets sent to the customer -
When editing email subjects you can use these special tags and HESK will replace them with corresponding values before sending out emails:
SPECIAL TAG WILL BE REPLACED WITH %%SUBJECT%% ticket subject %%TRACK_ID%% ticket tracking ID %%CATEGORY%% ticket category %%PRIORITY%% ticket priority %%STATUS%% ticket status -
When you are done, save the file in UTF-8 encoding without byte order mark (BOM)!
Note: If you are using email piping or POP3 fetching these two email subject templates must contain [#%%TRACK_ID%%] tag for HESK to recognize email replies: